
OK, Bill -- I’d like to enroll in writingtogetpublished.com and immediately get free your 65 Page “Student’s Handbook on Writing To Get Published.”  I also understand enrollment entitles me to email you any 25 word question about writing at any time for the rest of my life; to which you will reply out of your experience with New York editors, agents and publishers.  And finally, if I don’t like your course, no hard feelings, Bill, but there is a money back guarantee, right? (Answer: yes there is. Click main website page to read it in black and white.)

Courses start when classes fill. Start dates vary but there should be a class starting within a week or so from the time you register. Once a class has started no new students are accepted for that class. Once you register you will receive a welcome email that gives you a start date and a login and password

Step 1

First Name :
Last Name :

Address :
City       : ST : Zip :

Email :

Step 2
When you click here, you will get by return email not only the Student’s Handbook mentioned above, but also a detailed description of how I run my classes, starting date, one or two questions about your literary background so I can get to know you better, and your first writing assignment. That way, when our first class meets, we will have already begun. -Bill Manville

“Writing is not like golf. You get better with age.” Joe Heller, “Catch 22” (in conversation with Bill Manville)